Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random thoughts

While driving in the car yesterday many thoughts came to my head. My father pressured my mom to get a job. Of course, that was highly unusual for the time , being it was the '50s. Two goals were intended. First, we would be the first to have a TV in the neighborhood, and secondly, so money could be saved for our trip to the USA.
Perhaps the most vivid memory of mine was when Mom had worked all day, made dinner and Dad came home a little late. We sat around our tiny table to have dinner. My mom had made cooked fresh spinach and the Dutch staple of potatoes. Meat was a rarity. The first thing I knew was that my dad started yelling at my mom because he hated spinach and the potatoes were cold. He took his plate and slammed it against the wall of our kitchen. I was in total shock. Even I understood at age six that Mom had worked all day, and yet provided a meal for us all. I felt the pain for my mother. I said nothing. I was stunned and wished I could have hugged my mom so that she would know someone was on her side.

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