Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting the hang of this.

Love my son-in-law. Always good to have someone else steer you to the right direction.
Despite the fact that everything was new to me, taking in sights not known to me before, I still felt I was on vacation. Lush green lawns in comparison to the paved sidewalks of what was once y home. The streets were actually wider than the sidewalk. So many cars, so many colors, so many shapes.
I was taught quickly to distinguish the years among each model, by looking at the taillights. Since we could not afford a car, and never had one in Amsterdam, I quickly learned what was new to me, all the models and the years they were built. It was a means of fantasizing of what I hoped the future would have in store for our small family.
My life would soon change as I became enrolled in elementary school. I was looking forward to it, since school was always one of my favorite activities. I hated being sick. I couldn't learn enough. On that premise, I went to my first elementary school in the USA in the second grade.

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