Monday, January 25, 2010

The Longest Summer

Let's see. I talked my mom into milk delivery. She got two potholders for doing so. I thought it was amazing. Ordered myself chocolate milk as part of the delivery. Actually I was doing all the ordering.
And then the newspaper came... Wanted to take our little family picture and write an article about my dad. I had no idea what about. Friends of the family brought copies of the newspaper. We couldn't afford to buy one ourselves. Front page news of the local newspaper.
I really didn't understand the magnitude or interest that could find my dad's story so compelling. I just figured that happened to everybody. It was for the first time I had heard mention of the holocaust. I really didn't know what that meant. Everyone whispered when it was the topic. I was able to decipher some of the story, but still did not realize what it all meant. I just shrugged it off. I wish I could do so today.

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