Saturday, March 27, 2010

Neglecting the blog

Getting disheartened at the lack of followers. I have such a great sob story and I am buying into it. It was a challenging time in my life that seems to be affecting me more now than ever. I guess I am feeling the isolation from family. I wonder if others experience that. Maybe I think am missing something that everyone else experiences.
Never had grandparents, aunts, cousins on my father's side. The only family I had was on my mother's side when we left them when I was 8. I don't regret much from my childhood because I knew no better.but would my life have been different if all those variables had not been excluded from my life. Would I still live in Holland? Would I be a teacher? Would I have had cancer? Would I have had Lichen Planus? My guess is not.
One time a fellow teacher had been watching a show and she sharply told me the next day that I was never Jewish, My mom would have to be a Jew. Hmmmmm, religiously she was right. But I was raised among Holocaust survivors. Ultimately, why did she have to bring that up? Perhaps I should have told her she was really not Armenian since she was born in the States, I don't have that in me.

1 comment:

  1. Don't stop. It's important to record your history even if only for yourself. -Aaron Jaech
