Saturday, March 20, 2010

Broken foot?

I was a highly spirited child. I was the Teflon kid. I loved school and nothing was going to change that.
I had one pair of shoes to go to school I had no problem with that. I had a pair of white buck shoes, which my mother polished religiously to give the appearance of cleanliness. They were like brand new every day.
After putting on my shoes each morning I would call my newly found friends, Ribolchenko sisters; Vera, Nina and Irene. We would walk to school when we met on the corner. This morning would be different. I had a grand idea. Our phone was placed on a high ledge. I had a brilliant idea. I would get the stool of my toy piano and stand on it to reach the phone with ease. As I stepped on the stool, it broke. As I flew backwards, so did the heavy phone and landed on my bare foot. The phones were so heavy then. They were like dumbbells. I was in shock at first until reality set in. I screamed and my mother came to see what all the noise was all about. I could not walk. My mother shouldered the weight and sat me down. The pain!

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