Sunday, March 14, 2010

Incredible SF

As you can imagine, I was in total shock. I use to love going to school. If this was my future, I wanted no part of it.
I came home and told my story. My parents didn't know what to think or do. They were totally confused about the response and in essence, felt their hands were tied.
The next day I came to school and was summoned once more. Not that I remember what was said to me, I was extricated from my comfort zone, my class of friends, and was told that I would be going to a new class. Being respectful to authority, I marched with the principal without resistance. She did have a curious smile on her face, but my young naive mind never imagined the worse.
The class was literally in the basement of the school. Windows were at ground level. The teacher seemed nice enough, but the students looked strange to me. I had never seen them before and there was something different about them. I could not put my finger on it.
I was taking this all in, finding the classwork overly simplified. Recess was when no one else had the time on the playground. I felt alone.

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