Thursday, February 18, 2010

Saving for TB association

There was a little container that was on the mantle of our living room. A an would come monthly and collect whatever was deposited. I never knew what TB was, but I did know I was often home alone and was in need of money for candy, or the crumbs of cookies from the bakery, and the occasional trip from the Coca Cola man. Since I was rather limited to my resources I had no alternative to fill my "needs". The temptation was too great, and how would my parents know?
As the man came by monthly, there would be less and less in the container. I was sweating bullets at times. I don't really remember when he stopped coming around, but my parents never said anything about it. That is a mystery to me today. My father was a tough parent, of sorts (when he chose to be a parent.) . Maybe he felt guilty about leaving me alone so much. I don't know if my mother knew that I was left alone at nights. My father always came home before my mother.

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