Monday, May 30, 2011

The Endless Summer

Joe put a lot of effort in what he did. He introduced me to new arts & crafts to make key chains. I found it fascinating and made them in every color combination. He also announced that we would get to go to the Giants baseball game. Wow. It was for the first time that I was introduced to board games; Monopoly especially fascinated me. winning was my goal. It kept us out of the heat. We played in the recreation room. I learned to play Scrabble. I really liked that. Joe was the constant in our life. We did not want to leave. We were the latch key kids.
Lunch consisted of walking down to Kirkham street, get our bologna sandwich, snowballs, and our RC Cola. This is where we also bought our baseball cards. I had 25 cents a day. I was careful to keep that quarter everyday. I even chewed the bubblegum.
I don't remember on my last post, but the shoe of choice were flip-flop, except we called them by a different name. They were cheap; less than a $1.00. Consequence for someone who had never been in the sun before was to get blisters on my feet. Yes, third degree. My family was apprehensive of the health services of the US. After all, they could be treated at home. I did not complain, but did take to note.

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