Monday, May 30, 2011

S.F. Giants

My dad religiously followed the San Francisco Giants. Not a sound was to be heard when he played from his portable radio. Alas, my dad got tickets for a double header between my fourth and fifth grade. I was so excited! We all loved baseball. We all loved the San Francisco Giants.
I don't remember why; some things I do forget the details, but, I got a shot that was to be an antibiotic. I just remembered getting a shot in my rump, sort of. The person who administered the shot, hit a muscle. I no longer could walk. Well, that was the excuse my dad needed not to take me. After all, it was a double-header and I probably would not have the patience to go through two games. My mother did not give any protest, as usual. My dad was relieved, and my mom was left with the guilt. So, Saturday I limped to the theater. My mom accompanied me to the theater. She gave me the money and did not attend herself. After all, it had been her life and she could not speak the language. Consequently, I saw many a movie that was inappropriate for my age group. To be truthful, there was no rating system at that time. My dad certainly didn't care. All the neighborhood kids went because it was such a bargain.

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