Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Nazi's are coming

I never knnew a lot about my father's experiences in concentration camp. I did know it wasn't good. We were sponsored by a Jewish soccer team and my father got some minimal support. For me. living in that new apartment meant many a sleepless night.
My father came home from work on the bus everyday. It stopped kitty corner from where we lived. With the rolling hills, many people had basement apartments. Windows were literally on the ground level. So what was my nightmare repeatedly? I would dream that my father was coming home. I would always watch for the bus to arrive (which I did in reality). But looking out I would see Nazi's hanging out in those windows with rifles, and obviously looking for Jews.
I would see the bus and scream for my father not to get out because THEY were waiting for him. It always stopped when my dad got off and the Nazi's appeared, but it never went beyond that.
Night after night I would have this recurring dream, ending the same way. I do not know where I got those thoughts. They must have whispered something, or I had picked something up.
I never told my parents.

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