Sunday, April 11, 2010


We had to sit on the benches in the schoolyard. Each class had its own bench. We could not get up. My lunch was often more unusual than other students. Quite often I would trade with other students to expose myself to American delectables, like snowballs. I loved Hostess Snowballs despite the fact that I was not a fan of coconut. They, in return, loved the cheese that was an essential of my daily diet. It was adventure for my classmates and certainly for me.

I didn't eat much, except junk. I was skinny as a rail, as they would say. Consequently, lunch on the bench would last too long for me. I would daydream and wonder. I was so fascinated with the clouds rolling by above. I never realized that they moved so fast and soared above me. Obviously, I was not a scholar of astronomy. I would look and look, hoping time would pass so I could get off the bench and get to the serious business of playing.

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