Saturday, February 6, 2010

San Francisco

I talked to Dad about the lady who lived below us who had lung cancer. When my dad said that she had died because the coughing stooped, he related that I said, " I hope she was good through her life or else she will go to hell." Strange comment coming from me since I did not have any real religious upbringing...and certainly a Jew would never have said something like that. Must have been in a movie.
Arguello BLVD. I always asked why it was called that. All the subsequent streets were 2nd Aenue, 3rd, etc.
We had wooden floors for the first time and I loved the noise it made under my feet. I'm sure the neighbors didn't. I would bounce balls and be rather rambunctious. My bedroom without significant furniture, in other words, it had a bed, had a huge baylike window. When I would look out I would get on my knees since it frightened me so. I would look/stare out and never understood why the back was nothing more than a huge sand

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