Friday, July 22, 2011

Yvonne or Sophia

I was still in Mrs. Bowers class. God she had hairy arms. The things we notice. I liked her. We figured out our weight and size on jupiter. Remember, Alan Shepherd had made his first flight, as well as John Glen. It was a memorable activity for me.
Somehow, I learned that Yvonne was my middle name despite the fact that was the name I was familiar with. In the Netherlands I was known as Vonnie and only knew that. For a strange reason, I found out that my first name was Sophia.
So I asked for an explanation from my parents. My parents said that the name Yvonne came from a cologne bottle that my father had given my mother for the birth of me. Sophia was my father's mother's name.
I toyed with that idea. Some of my papers had Yvonne on them, as I had always known it. Others had the name Sophia. Mrs. Bower said I had to make up my mind. It was one or the other. I was so fascinated with Sophia and a grandmother I never met. Sophia it was then and now

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